– Ayah kamu adalah salah satu orang yang menunggu akan kehadiran anakmu ini dan mengucapkan “Selamat datang” dari balik pintu sesudah aku di lahirkan dan kamu mengazankanku, Seiring aku menangis waktu bayi aku selalu ingin mengucap kalimat papah namun tidak bisa
Ayah adalah spspl besar yang pasti menggendong kita ketika waktu kecil dan mencium kita saat kita lagi lucu-lucunya dan menggemaskan, dia mengajariku cara berjalan agar bisa berjalan lebih cepat dan singkat cerita saya bisa berjalan kaki dengan mahir meski jatuh sesekali.
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Ucapan Ulang Tahun Untuk Ayah, Terbaik Berbahasa Inggris |
Hari ulang tahun aya adalah hari yang sangat bahagia yang dinantikan oleh anaknya, Semakin kita sering menjumpai ulang tahun dari orang tua kita semakin tua pula orang tua kita hidup di dunia ini. Merayakan ulang tahun dengan orang terdekat emang sangat menyenangkan dan jangan lupa mengucap selamat pada yang sedang berulang tahun.
Nah mungkin sebagian orang masih bingung cara mengucapkan selamat ulang tahun yang bagus keren dan simple untuk diberikan kepada yang berulang tahun, contohnya sekrang ayah kita sedang ulang tahun dan kamu bingung mau mengucapkan apa? nah dibawah ini adalah Kumpulan Ucapan Selamat Ulang Tahun dalam bahasa inggris.
Ucapan Selamat Ulang Tahun Untuk AYAH Berbahasa Inggris
Happy birthday dad. Although now my father’s age is starting to age, but my love for him will never disappear over time.
Thank you, father, for everything you have given me. Your love is so sincere I’ve always felt until now. Although now your age has aged, but I hope on this special day, your love for me will never fade. Happy birthday dad.
Father, happy birthday. I wish you always get health. There are no words that I want to say on your birthday except “I love you, father.”
Forgive me father, if I often upset you. But, as long as you know, I love you very much. Dad is the view where I should go.
Father, happy birthday. Although now your hair starts to change color, but my love will not change. I will remain faithful to accompany you, I will come whenever you need me. I love you, father.
Dad is the greatest person in this world. Father is the most super motivator among motivators who often appear on television screens. I know, this prayer is nothing compared to what my father gave me. But I hope this can represent my love for dad. Father, happy birthday to (eg 43), I hope you will always love me and hope that you will be given a long life so that I can see your smile longer, father.
Happy birthday dad. I don’t know what to say because I’m not a person who is good at stringing words. I do not know how to repay the sincerity that father has given, because surely there will not be able to replace your sincerity father.
Doa yang selalu aku panjatkan untuk ayah berawal dari kata ‘semoga’ ayah selalu diberikan kesehatan, keselamatan, dan kebahagiaan. Sekali lagi, ayah selamat ulang tahun.
The prayer that I always pray for my father starts with the word ‘hope’ that you will always be given health, safety and happiness. Once again, happy birthday father.
Maybe I am not a perfect child, I also can not boast about father but father is the perfect man present in my life. Happy birthday dad.
Father, I hope that as you age, so will your affection for me, your child. I love you, father. Happy Birthday.
Nothing in this world is eternal, other than father’s love, which will last forever. Although dad always looks tough and often angry, but I know he did it because he loved me. Happy birthday father.
I’m still grateful even though I was born in a simple family. Because the most important thing is that my family is complete and my father is always by my side. Happy birthday Dad.
Father, your struggle now will never be wasted because someday he will see me as a child that you can expect. Happy birthday dad.
Father I just want our family to always be happy, hopefully your assertiveness can maintain harmony and harmony of our family. Amen Happy birthday dad.
Father, even though you are not as gentle as my mother, even though he is always tough and never shows your sadness, he never cries because he wants to teach me to always be strong and strong. But I know that you love me very much and I love you very much too. Happy birthday dad.
Dad, even though your body is getting old now, your strength is still well stored in you. Father, you are the greatest man in my life. Happy birthday dad.
Happy birthday dad. Father forgive me because I often forget that all the work that you do for me is something that can make me laugh happily.
Ucapan Selamat Ulang Tahun Buat Ayah Dengan Kata-kata Islam Berbahsa Inggris
Blessing age is a gift, because blessing is effort and prayer accompanied by ijabah. In this moment of your 59th birthday, I hope Allah will always pour out that gift and make you better in the rest of your age. Happy birthday dad. Sorry I haven’t been able to make you happy.
There’s nothing more valuable than having an extraordinary father like you. Be like this at your new age. I offer my sincere prayers that you will always be happy and healthy, so that thanksgiving for His gifts is never forgotten. Happy birthday, O my beloved father.
Give thanks for the gift of good age and blessings so that you are no longer young. I pray that your health will be maintained, happiness will remain, and your hope will be exerted. Happy birthday my beloved abbot.
Allah lowered yourself 59 years ago with his power. As a way for us to tread this mortal realm. maybe time does pass quickly, but hope and my prayers are always with you. Happy Birthday Dad! Good luck and always happy. Amen
Father, your age has increased again. The past year may seem to be missed quickly. I hope, this year father can become a better person. And always be close to Him. I love Dad. Happy birthday to you.
Doa Ulang Tahun Islam Buat Bapa Berbahsa Inggris
Happy birthday to you .. Hope to remain a great couple, willing to help with bones and sweat baths to make a living for the family. I LOVE YOU DAD
I wish you the best of days for you, you will always be a patient parent, a parent who can always be a role model for us and may always be devoted to the owners of heaven and the world. Happy Birthday Dad
Thank you father, I hope that this special day you will always be provided with ease at work, always given patience in any case and I hope that you will always be happy. Happy birthday dad
I hope you increase your age, which actually means you will lose one age, so that you will always be given health, safety, happiness in the world and the hereafter.
Happy birthday to you, may your love for our children grow, as we always love and continue to love you.
Thank you father for your age now, you are endlessly providing happiness in this family. Father always tried to fulfill all our desires and wishes. We all love Dad
I’m sorry because we didn’t give a special gift for you, but we still pray for your birthday so that you can always be aged, healthy and always love us. Happy Birthday Father
Hopefully this father’s birthday Father always remains happy, always remains patient, always remains our love, always cares about us, and always protects us.
Ucapan Selamat Ulang Tahun Penuh Makna Buat Abi Dalam Bahasa Inggris
Father, today is exactly 45 years old. I hope, in the following years, you can stay healthy and live a long life. Until the time comes I’ll be able to make you happy. Happy Birthday.
56 years ago, you were born and are still a little red baby with no power. However, now you have turned into an extraordinary figure. A figure who protects, teaches, and strengthens a lucky person like me. Happy Birthday Dad. Thank you for all.
Not feel the time passed, you arrived at this age. Father, thank you because you are still here. Accompany me with your sincerity. May you always be healthy and happiness be with you.
do you still remember the time when the rain flushed us on the journey? When did you stop the beetle’s bicycle and take shelter under the patrol post? In fact, that’s when I started to recognize your true figure. Now it’s been 21 years passed. And you’re still like before. Happy birthday dad. You are the best.
The time will come when the rain drops will create a rainbow shine. Then, the time will come when your once naughty child can express all your hopes. Wait for it. Because I’m still trying. Always be healthy so you can watch me become what you want. Happy Birthday.
Ucapan Selamat Ulang Tahun Buat Bapak Terbaru Berbahsa Inggris
Happy father’s birthday, I hope you will always be given physical and spiritual health and are always guarded and protected by Allah swt. Amen
Thank you, father, for all your services that have cared for and raised you until you grow up, you are the best father for you. Happy father’s birthday, may Allah bless you and give you a lot of fortune. Amen
There is no greater responsibility than a father, don’t ever get tired of looking after all of us, father, and thank you for all your services that have cared for and raised us. Happy birthday dad.
Obstacles and any trials in this life you have passed, O father, now right on your birthday I hope father is always given health and ease to live life. Happy birthday dad.
Without you I would not exist, without you also I would not be this great. Because of your struggle, I became someone useful and allow me to be someone useful to you, father. Happy Birthday.
Nah itulah tadi dia beberapa kumpulan kata ucapan Selamat Ulang Tahun untuk Ayah. Semoga bermanfaat buat kamu dan jangan lupa share ke media sosial kalian biar orang lian juga tahu cara mengucapkan selamat ulang tahun dalam bahasa inggris.
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