15 Ucapan Selamat Tahun Baru Islam Berbahasa Inggris Keren Abis

Hallo Shobatasmo – Ucapakan Selamat tahun Baru Islam kita ingin sekali mengucapkannya tapi kita kadang tidak tau apa yang mau di ucapkan atau di tulis di status media sosial kita. Ucapan Selamat Ulang Tahun Baru Islam biasanya sering di ucapkan oleh beberapa orang karena sebagai rasa sukur atau mungkin rasa toleransi sesama agama

Banyak orang indonesia yang sering kebingungan ketika mencari kata ucapan mutiara tentang tahun baru islam. Nah untuk itu di sini sudah menyiapkan kata-kata yang berbahasa ingris mengenai tahun baru Islam

15 Ucapan Selamat Tahun Baru Islam Berbahasa Inggris

Mungkin agar sedikit keren jika kita mengucapkan dalam bahasa inggris di status media sosial kita seperti facebook, instagram dan twitter. Oleh karena itu saya akan sahre kumpulan kata-kata ucapan selamat tahun baru islam yang pakai bahasa inggris.

Apa saja itu kata-katanya yuk langsung saja simak di bawah ini dan jangan lupa dipakai di status media sosial kamian ya biar keren dan kece pakai bahasa inggris hehehe

15 Ucapan Selamat Tahun Bari Islam Berbahasa Inggris 

1. Open heart to love, open hand to friendship, open cellphone to get a new message, open a message to say Happy Islamic New Year 1 Muharram 1441 Hijriyah.

2. Happy Islamic New Year 1441 Hijri. Hopefully in this new year, we are given a long life to do useful things, health, and fluency in good deeds for the sake of achieving His blessing.

3. Starting the coming of the Islamic Month, let us intend to move from the darkness in order to reach the Islamic light. Hopefully this year we can achieve success.

4. Forgive my mistakes in the past year so that we can both start a new page in the year 1441 Hijriyah.

5. Purify the soul, cleanse the heart. Let’s say basmalah before stepping on the Islamic new year 1441 Hijriyah.

6. O my friend, let us make the beginning of the new year Hijriyah as a place to strengthen the faith, increase worship, as well as get used to doing good for the sake of getting the blessing of Allah SWT.

7. Let’s gather enthusiasm for migrating in the new Hijri year. Get rid of all bad habits and behavior so that our lives are always in His way. Happy Islamic new year 1441 Hijri.

8. While we are still given the opportunity to breathe, while Allah SWT still provides abundant blessings for us to remain in the world, let us together welcome the Islamic New Year 1441 Hijriyah as a means to improve ourselves. Hopefully this year we can reach His pleasure. Aamiin

9. We and a family wish you a Happy Islamic New Year 1441 Hijriyah. May this year be a year full of blessings and a lot of goodness.

10. The arrival of the new year Hijriyah is in sight. Let’s prepare the best practice to welcome him. Get rid of bad habits that have been done in the previous year.

11. The true practice actually comes from a beautiful heart as well. Make your heart beautiful with polite and gentle speech.

Let’s welcome the Islamic New Year with full beauty and hope that what will happen is better than yesterday

12. Muharram is the beginning month. For him there is the beginning of the resurrection. We should always be prepared to prepare ourselves anew.

Not just a word, but also an action. Happy Islamic New Year 1441 Hijri.

May blessings always abound and hearts will be more moved to worship.

13. Happy Islamic New Year 1441 Hijri. The new year is already waiting and will be passed again later.

But my prayers remain the same. Hopefully all the good that we do in the back will always be recorded in a good charity book and make us a lucky people.

14. No fireworks are lit. No crowd was formed either. Yes, that is not what we expect.

The new year is a year of contemplation, over time that has passed and age is getting older. Hopefully we can always interpret this new year seriously and only hope for forgiveness of the inventor.

15. Hoping for forgiveness is not just hope, but hope is sincere from in my heart a friend Happy Happy New Year 1441 Hijri.

Nah itu dia tadi di atas tentang 15 Ucapan Selamat Tahun Bari Islam Berbahasa Inggris semoga bermanfaat dan memotivasi kamu untuk membuat status dengan berbahasa inggris di media sosiala kamu. terima kasih sudah berkunjung jangan lupa share ya.